Man loses more than 200 lbs eating Chocolate

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Bar of dark chocolate

It is an unusual diet-Tip: when the strike, to eat chocolate cravings. But the Florida for Mr Peter it worked.

Peter weigh 450 lbs is his heaviest and had to spend a staggering 24 000 calories a day (almost 10 times what the average man needs).His diet consisted mainly of fast food After suffering a stroke. [2] [3], he achieved that his lifestyle was killing him.

He cut off the junk food, but the allowed myself a dark chocolate, because it keeps him from the other sweet foods closer to the:

Whenever his will power began to Fade, he handled himself rich, dark chocolate-small square just enough to meet his sweet cravings.

Peter saw the quick success and keen to him his friend bet him $ 15,000, he cannot lose 100 lbs, five months before the new year.And he did, although his friend did not think he really would make it Even tried measures. sabotage his actions when he was in a left-to-Go a month:

They even hid the jam doughnuts in my gym bag-but I was so determined, I threw them directly into the bin ...The Christmas days, eating delicious food in my family, sat around the table. (I) determination of the Treadmill in the basement and pounded away throughout the day.

St. Petersburg's story offers many training dieters hope:

It is never too late to start., however, overweight, you are, however, poor diet and own their own lifestyle, you can randomize. Including processes-such as dark chocolate-change is a great idea, if it helps you focused on Being responsible for the friends you keep ... can you stay on schedule, including season. [1] [2] during the holiday Money works motivator. If you can not get friends places their money on the line, how to, the costs, if you don't offer?

Image credit: chocolate Reviews

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